A Key Contributor To Thriving Organizations: Are You Overlooking It As A Leader? 

In our mission to re-humanize workplace mental health, we recognize the pivotal role leaders play. Not only are you guiding the organization's trajectory and ensuring the well-being of your team, but you're simultaneously safeguarding your own mental health. Leader burnout is a very real concern, and it's crucial to prioritize self-care alongside organizational objectives. 


Time and again, we've observed that: 

When leaders genuinely care for both the mental health of their people and themselves, the entire organization flourishes. 

Your organizational culture shapes every aspect of your business, from productivity to morale. 


As a leader, while spending time on strategic and tactical activities, ensuring that you are promoting and empowering your teams to foster a culture of care is the main lever that supports employees to truly flourish in their work environment. This is often overlooked or regarded as a "nice to have." 


Here are five pivotal questions to ask yourself. Leaders who are paying attention to their culture of care can confidently answer "yes" to the following: 

1. Do you know the tangible and intangible costs of mental health challenges to your organization? 


Mental health conditions lead to more than $1 trillion (that equates to about $3,100 per person in the U.S.) in lost productivity globally each year 1. If you're not considering these costs, you're missing a crucial element in your business strategy. 

Recognizing the full spectrum of mental health challenges means looking at both direct and indirect consequences. Absenteeism and reduced productivity are clear indicators, but the more subtle effects, like lowered morale or diminished team unity, can impact the long-term trajectory of a business. 

 2. Do you have specific KPIs related to the mental well-being of your employees? 


About 75% of employees want their employers to champion mental health and well-being 2. Setting KPIs gives a clear path to track and ensure the effectiveness of well-being programs. It's not just about checking boxes but about real results - are your well-being strategies leading to a healthier, more engaged workforce? 

 3. Are your leaders equipped to handle and address mental health challenges within their teams? 

86% of employees believe a company's culture should support mental health 3. Cultivating such a culture ensures you're retaining top talent and fostering a resilient work environment.  

Effective leaders are well-prepared to address mental health issues, ensuring their teams remain productive and well-supported. How well-prepared are your leaders? 


 4. Are all employees confident in recognizing signs of distress in their colleagues and leaning in to offer support? 


With 75% of people stating they've experienced burnout at work and 40% of those attributing it to the pandemic 4, it's crucial for employees to have the confidence and tools to support one another. 

 A strong organization is built on its people. If employees can recognize and address signs of distress, it not only creates a supportive environment but also enhances productivity. 


5. Is there a continuous improvement plan for mental wellness, and is it being actively implemented? 


Almost 60% of employees never speak to anyone at work about their mental health status 5. Is your workplace culture evolving to be comfortable leaning in to ask if a colleague is OK? A proactive approach not only ensures employee well-being but also makes good business sense. 

 Mental well-being efforts should be ongoing, adapting to new challenges and feedback. Is your strategy evolving to meet these needs? 

Next Steps

Balancing business objectives with the mental well-being of employees is a complex challenge. As the nature of work evolves, influenced by global events and societal shifts, leaders are faced with the responsibility of both supporting their teams and ensuring the success of the organization.  


Consider joining us for a WeCARE™ for Leaders workshop.

This interactive workshop delves into the contemporary challenges of the workplace, equipping attendees with tools to address their mental well-being while fostering a resilient environment for their teams. Through self-reflection, understanding the factors affecting mental health, and practical techniques for self-care, participants will be better prepared to support themselves and their colleagues in the ever-changing world of work. 

We’re here to help.   

Leading your organization towards a mentally healthy and caring culture is a significant responsibility. Our WeCARE™ for Leaders workshop lays a solid foundation, providing you with essential tools and insights to initiate this journey. 

We know that every organization is unique. If, after reflecting on the five pivotal questions we shared, you identify areas where your organization might need more tailored guidance, don't hesitate to reach out.  

We offer a complimentary consultation to discuss your organization's challenges and needs. Together, we'll explore how we can further support you in this critical undertaking. Let us partner with you in creating an environment where everyone thrives. 

Book Your Free Consultation Now


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